Dayna Wutke

Dayna Wutke has been a missionary with GO since Feb. 1986. Presently, Dayna serves at the Evangelical Mennonite Mission School located in the Mennonite Colony of Spanish Lookout Cayo District in Belize. Dayna serves as the principal for both the Elementary School Grades K-8 and the High School Grades 9-12.
In addition to being involved as an Educator, Dayna focuses on sharing Christ through a daily lifestyle of walking with Jesus and Discipling youth of all ages. Dayna assists and coordinates several youth camps throughout the summer months in addition to serving as a Jr. Youth Leader and Children’s Ministry Leader at the church she attends while in Belize.
There is a great need for school sponsorship. Dayna also helps garner sponsors for many of the school aged children of Belize to attend school. 47% of the population of Belize are of school age. Approximately 20,000 cannot afford to go to school. Be the One!