Jonathan and Gemma Donker

After many years of service in children and youth ministries in Belgium, The Netherlands and Spain, God has touched the lives of Jonathan and Gemma in a new way. After a personal experience of deep healing and renewed passion, the Lord has given them a heart for spiritual renewal through inner healing, spiritual direction and revival. To prepare for this ministry, Jonathan earned the Master of Divinity at Ashland Theological Seminary, Ashland, Ohio, and both Jonathan and Gemma received three years of intensive training with Healing Care Ministries ( This training has equipped them to come alongside people that want to receive healing and a fresh new beginning in their lives through the power of the Holy Spirit. They are partnering with Healing Care Ministries to expand this ministry to Europe. They are using Catalunya (Spain) as a base, and will be training people in other parts of Europe as well. They have a heart for evangelism and they believe that by investing in the emotional and spiritual well-being of God’s servants, a greater impact can be made across Europe through the body of Christ. They long to see a new Europe, transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit with Jesus Christ at the center.
Their vision is:
- To teach European people about the transforming power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- To lead Christians that live a life of bondage and brokenness towards freedom and healing that only Jesus Christ can bring, and this through the power of the Holy Spirit.
- To train and equip leaders of different ministries and churches in Spain and Europe to do the same.
- To position Christian leaders to grow in their connection with the Lord through spiritual formation and spiritual direction.