Sofia Campus Ministry
There are about 90,000 university students in Sofia, the capital city of Bulgaria, South East Europe. The students are the future leaders of every society who in just several years will take all the key work positions as teachers, doctors, politicians etc. But in Bulgaria most of them have never heard the Gospel!
The main vision of Sofia Campus Ministry is “Raising up new generations of Christ-led students, so that the Gospel goes to the ends of the world!”
Our key strategy can be described in three main steps, based on the Great Commission, Matthew 28:18-20, and 2 Timothy 2:2. It is 1. Share the Gospel -> 2. Make disciples -> 3. Challenge your disciples to make other disciples.
Through different outreaches as psychological and business seminars, sport events, art workshops etc., we create an environment where students can gather. We have follow-up mentor sessions with the students and our goal is to share with them the Gospel and our testimonies. We invite all of the students to Bible studies. With the ones who come to faith we start discipleship programs with focus on evangelism. Part of our vision is to provide mission trip opportunities to our students so that they receive the vision of serving our Lord.
This account is opened for different projects.
Thank you for participating in what God is doing among the university students in Sofia, Bulgaria.